In need of a boost for your new game? Click here for a buffed account for Valorant today: Valorant has only become more popular as the years go by with many new players joining the scene and climbing up the Valorant ranks. Here are some quick and easy tips for all beginner players to help you get started.
Experiment With Your Settings/Agents
U7BUY can provide all gamers with all that they can think of. Take the CSGO Prime accounts on sale right now for example! While first playing Valorant, the most common tip you will probably hear is to always keep practicing to get better. While this is very true in order to get more comfortable with the game’s overall mechanics and even get a better aim, what matters is what more you do with your playtime.
When playing through matches, don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. One of the best ways to truly figure out how you play at your best is to experiment with your settings and change up which Valorant Agent you play. This is crucial when playing as a beginner as it’ll help you understand where your strengths and weaknesses are with each Agent Valorant and which type of settings fit you best whether it be a higher mouse sensitivity or different crosshairs.
Pay Attention to How You Move
The most common problem for even veteran players is of course how well they aim. All players want to constantly try to improve it at all costs whether through endless hours of practice, changing their mouse sensitivity, or by changing crosshairs now and then. What a lot of players tend to forget sometimes though is that your aim is also affected by how you move and where you aim from.
As a new player, one of the most important parts about aiming in Valorant is that you should always have or see access to cover. Being able to peek quickly behind cover while aiming is essential to playing better and can make a great difference. As a new player, you should never just run out into the open unless you are looking to be attacked quickly by your enemies with nowhere to run.
Take Breaks!
Once again, it is very common for beginners to always hear that practice is the best way to get better at Valorant, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take breaks at all! In fact, taking breaks in between playing will help you much more on your improvement journey and for your rankings. When you start to lose more matches, it’s easy to become stubborn and keep playing until you win. However, this often results in not only more losses due to more aggressive play but also starting to not enjoy the game. Simply taking a break will help you come back more refreshed and clear-headed to make better decisions during matches. Besides, as competitive as Valorant is, you should still be able to enjoy your time rather than stress.